The neopixel lightsaber, often referred to as an Plecter Pixel lightsaber Pixel saber, Neo saber, is kind of saber with a custom design with a flexible LED strip inside the blade of the lightsaber. Neopixel lightsabers have brilliant blade lighting, RGB color changing customization as well as a variety of customizable visual effects. The Neopixel lightsaber blade can be removed of the handle.
Be aware that some custom saber makers and people do not employ”neopixel lightsaber” in their names “neopixel lightsaber” as “neopixel” is an official trademark that is owned by Adafruit. A saber being referred to as a “Pixel” can be a common and informal way to refer towards the tech.
The custom-saber firms Genesis Custom Sabers and Vader’s Vault introduce neopixel lighting technology in their sabers. In 2020, many of the more established and larger custom saber firms will have Pixel sabers at their stores. From 2023 onwards, the more affordable Xenopixel swords, made of components manufactured in China are readily available from various retailers.
Capabilities and Features of the Neopixel Lightsaber
Neopixel lightsabers are more bright than lightsabers with an inside-hilt LED/baselit configuration. Neopixel lightsabers also have more sophisticated with customizable and controllable visual effects like:
Blade scrolling effects (realistic ignition and retraction effects)
blaster bolt deflect
flame blade or unstable effect on blades (channel the inner Kylo Ren! ), rainbow blade effect, etc.
tip drag effect
blade lockup effect
Additional blade animations (and customized ones, as well, if you’d prefer to play!)
Because of the sharp blade and the complex visually appealing effects, pixels swords are considered to be the most realistic and authentic custom sabers made to date.
Do you have the ability to duel using an Neopixel lightsaber?
A neopixel light-saber that is equipped with a thick walled, heavy grade blade stock is often utilized for light to medium dueling. Make sure to ask the manufacturer for information regarding the strength of their specific model. Certain hilt designs that have sharp edges, small necks, or unobtrusive or bulky parts might not be appropriate for dueling. A lot of hilt designs that are slimmer such as Vader’s Vault Combat Class series of lightsabers, are better suited for dueling.
If you’re a member the The Saber Legion (TSL) or any other saber dueling association Contact your local chapter for further information. They’ll give you good guidelines on what’s permitted in the group and what to consider when choosing the design of a hilt.
Budget Neopixel Lightsabers vs Standard Neopixel Lightsabers
The “guts” of a pixel saber particularly its soundboard play an important impact on the quality and cost of the pixelsaber.
Budget-friendly Pixel Sabers
A low-cost Pixel saber could be an ideal initial lightsaber for those who desire a genuine and feature-rich saber for an affordable price. Businesses that sell cheaper Pixel sabers market products that have names that include (but not restricted to):
Eco Neo
If you notice the word eco in the title the saber could be sporting a budget-friendly board. Budget friendly sabers are less expensive over standard-pixel sabers however, they are less in terms of quality too. You pay for what you get for, at least to a certain extent.
A majority of the manufactured in China OEM lightabers made by companies such as LGT TXQ and YDD use low-cost soundboards, but occasionally an organization might offer the option of purchasing a expensive soundboard, such as Proffieboard.
Making a Choice on the best budget Pixel Saber Company
There are many businesses selling exactly the same sabers with the same price. Many companies utilize the exact same stock image. What are the best company to select when there are so many companies selling similar products? Here are some buying suggestions:
Examine the reputation of the seller, paying attention to negative feedback as well as the seller’s reaction to negative feedback. The way the seller responds to any negative feedback will tell you the character of their persona and how they might behave towards you as buyer. Do they keep their remarks respectful, neutral and professional, or does the seller make a name-call and criticize the buyer?
Find custom saber-related groups such as the subreddit r/lightsabers or Facebook groups such as The Vault, Elite Lightsaber Society and others for more information about the company, their track record and reviews from customers. Find threads already posted before creating the post of your choice if there is additional information.
Compare prices since certain sellers might sell the EXACT same lightsaber but at different prices.
Learn about the return policy and cancellation policies if there’s an issue with your purchase.
Discover where the vendor is. Is the seller in your country of origin or in a different one? International shipping is very popular and usually smooth (assuming the seller is well-known). However, when it comes to international transactions, you’re more likely to face certain issues, such as delays in import, more expensive costs for shipping as well as currency conversion fees import taxes (in some instances) or a barriers to communication, etc.
Standard Pixel Sabers
Pixel sabers that are standard utilize high-end electronics, and feature more customizable and feature-rich soundboards than budget Pixel sabers. The three most commonly used soundboards for pixel sabers that are standard:
Proffieboard (open-source)
Plecter Labs Crystal Focus 10 (CFX)
Sabertec Golden Harvest V3
KR Sabers Verso soundboard KR Sabers Verso soundboard is quite common and slightly more affordable and user-friendly within the class. Furthermore, Electrum Sabercrafts developed their exclusive Diatium 3 (D3) soundboard and is the sole company to offer or use the soundboard in their pixel sabers. Ultrasabers use their own Obsidian soundboard in the UltraPixel Sabers.
Important Note: Both in-hilt led Sabers and Neopixel Sabers typically use identical soundboards. Be sure to confirm with the seller that the saber you purchase is a pixel one before making the purchase.
Drawbacks and Limitations of the Neopixel Lightsaber
Neopixel lightsabers typically cost more than LED lightsabers with in-hilt bulbs, but there are affordable pixel saber options too. Neopixel lightsabers drain their batteries quicker than LED lightsabers. If the saber is equipped with an external battery, some fans of lightsabers will carry an uncharged spare battery on hand, in case they realize they’ll be spinning dueling, or using the saber for long durations. Neopixel blades for lightsabers cost significantly more than normal tube blades generally about $100 or more.
The Pogo pins inside the blade holder could become damaged or misaligned as a result of an improper installation of electronics or rough installation of the blade in the hilt. The electronic components in the pixel blade can also be damaged and require repairs.
Neopixel Lightsaber Blades and Blade Plugs
Neopixel lightsabers are only compatible with the neopixel lightsaber blades as well as the neopixel lighting blades. If you want to utilize blades made specifically for LED sabers that are in-hilt, that are essentially polycarbonate tube blades that do not have any in-blade lighting, you will require a tiny device called a neopixel inside-hilt converter for LEDs. In the same way, neopixel plug adapters are also available and are able to convert various types of standard in-hilt LED plugs that have open tubing at the bottom to the neopixel plugs for blades.
There are times when people won’t be concerned whether the blade plug is lit up. If the lighting of the blade plug isn’t a concern then simply attach an unlit blade plug to the hilt of the pixel saber to display or aesthetic reasons.