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Can dance stimulate my child’s creativity and improve their well-being?

With the number of arts programs shrinking in the schools that we have Parents are seeking out high-quality performance opportunities for their kids.

There are numerous advantages of dancing: reduction in obesity, a pleasurable source of exercise as well as healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels, and helping keep a healthy lifestyle. There is evidence that is clinically proven that children who are active in the performing arts spend less time on a computer screen playing games , and are less likely to be at chance of developing health issues. Kids who are spending more than two hours each day on screen-related entertainment are at a high chance of developing health problems, such as obesity.

Physical health benefits of dance for Young Children

The heart is in better shape and lung function
Increased muscular strength, endurance and aerobic fitness
Greater coordination
Better agility
Better flexibility
Healthy blood pressure
A better balance overall
Improved spatial awareness

Non-physical Health Benefits associated with Dance for Young Children

Physical confidence has increased overall
Improved general and psychological wellbeing
Self-confidence increases
Greater self-esteem
Motivation to self-motivate is greater.
Improved mental dexterity
Better social skills.

Does dance help my child’s creativeness and enhance their overall health?

Although dance can be a wonderful source of exercise and fun for toddlers but it also serves as an opportunity to express creativity. It is a great exercise for kids, but the chance to express creativity is as essential as exercising and consuming a healthy diet in the development of healthy children due to how much life lessons they will learn. Dancing may help someone feel more energized and boost their mood. It is also a great way to tackle serious issues including anxiety and depression1, and not only in adults. Dancing in groups is a way to ease stress and stress, a distraction from everyday worries and an outlet for emotions and imagination.

Would a dance class have physical advantages for my child?

There are physical advantages to partaking in dance classes early in life. Through dancing, children gain the ability to move more freely while also gaining the ability to be in different environments. They learn to interpret the effect their movement has on the environment around them. Dancing also improves a child’s coordination, particularly at a time when they are growing rapidly within an ever-changing and constantly changing world. Coordination is essential in developing skills learnt throughout life, for example, the ability to ride a bicycle and figuring out how to multitask successfully. Movement and dance patterns aid in the development of kinaesthetic memory. It also develops endurance and strength from an early age. This provides a solid foundation in the development of the physical child as well as the level of physical fitness.

Dance and strong, healthy muscles

The average human has 642 muscles within their body. Young children are naturally active, however dancing uses more of these muscles and it also helps develop the muscles of their bodies fully. Through the process of learning about movement children become conscious of what their body is doing and what they are capable of. They develop an understanding of the things that each limb and muscle can do; also building up the confidence to play with movement and explore the possibilities using their bodies. The feeling of being adventurous is an important life trait for children to develop and can apply in all aspects of life. It aids in the growth of a child’s confidence and courage, and encourages them to explore new challenges that they can take on.

Does dance aid in my child’s social development

The ability to interact with others at an early age is an essential part of a child’s cognitive development. The ability to express emotion easily in front of others can be a sign of mental maturity. Learning to express it through movement and dance provides children with a safe space for children to explore. Performing arts activities allow children to come with a wide range of backgrounds and personalities. They create an environment which is not the environment that children are used to. Children are forced to learn to adapt and communicate in different ways. As they navigate this new world through creativity, children learn to build trust and productive relationships.

Participating in any group activity for example, like performing a dance routine increases the importance of teamwork and builds the ability to work successfully in a group environment. It also aids a child in learning patience, listening , and leadership abilities as they begin to help each other with practicing and learning the steps. They are also taught to accept vulnerability as well as the fact that it’s normal not to to master every skill the first time and that you should be confident enough to request assistance, either from the teacher or from another student.

Building self-confidence

In a study of parents with children aged 5-7 years it was found that, on average 82% of parents felt the confidence of their children level improved as a result of attending Chinese dance schools workshops. In the same study, we asked parents to explain why they decided to send the children off to dancing workshop. The second most popular answer was “that it will build your child’s confidence’. Then we went on to ask the question: What life skills do you think your child has gained from attending a dance workshop?’ The most well-liked response was “improved confidence.”. The feedback from this study confirms our belief that dancing is an important tool to use to build a child’s confidence. While the participants in the study were able to mention the ability to dance as a reason for sending their children to dance workshops However, the emphasis was more on the development of social skills, and primarily confidence. Additionally, the other popular choices when asked about abilities their child attained were ‘social interaction’ as well as public speaking “improved communication skills” and’made friends’. It’s amazing to see what can be accomplished through studying performing arts and the positive effect the arts can have on a child’s social development.

Communication through non-verbal means is two thirds of all communication. It’s essential for children to know that it’s possible to convey a message in both a verbal and proper body language and to be able to interpret the signals of other people. Studying dance and movement could help children develop an understanding of their body language as well as the bodies of others. While it’s easy to express in a non-verbal way simple emotions such as “happy” or “sad” but studying dance can teach children how to physically express complicated emotions as well as how to interpret and react when the other person is physically emoting.

Perseverance and self-motivation

As children begin to learn about dance, they are taught perseverance and self-motivation. Dancing allows children to explore and discover different ways of solving problems. It is vital to a child’s personal development that they understand the value of making mistakes and, even if you don’t achieve your goals, then try again. The sense of success and achievement they experience when they have mastered an intricate movement will inspire them to apply this skill into other aspects of life.

Mental dexterity

The repetition exercise and practice when dancing enhances mental agility. Moving and expressing your body helps children absorb ideas better and increases their capacity to take in and retain information. There’s a perception that lingers around dancing classes that children should only attend when they are looking to perform on stage. The reality is that this is any further from the truth. Yes, dance classes are an excellent way to begin the journey of the child who has shown early signs of a natural aptitude for performance. There is however a magnitude of benefits of learning to dance for children who are timid, lacks confidence in himself or shows no desire to dance. This is the reason we are inclusive and not only for the elite. We recognize that the value of arts and performing for all children , and it’s our mission to help promote this. We provide a secure and safe environment where children are able to blossom and grow, practising crucial life skills and becoming confident risk takers.