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Five Reasons To Have A Data Recovery Plan

Data recovery is essential for every business, particularly in the current political climate as well as the ever-changing cybersecurity threat landscape due to cyber-criminals becoming more sophisticated their use of devices and sources.

According to the Cyber Security Breach Survey for 2022, the UK Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sports reported it was 39% that UK companies reported cyber-attacks or attacks during 2021. One-in-five businesses were reported that they were negatively affected as well as the cost of cyberattacks for large and medium-sized companies was estimated to have increased to £19,400. Data breaches and cyber security are not something businesses can afford to ignore regardless of their industry or size. It’s all about the time it’s going to happen and how well you are prepared.

What exactly is Data Recovery?

Data Recovery is about safeguarding your data in a secure manner and the ability to retrieve original, uncorrupted copies when you experience data loss due to unexpected circumstances like system failures or ransomware, data hacks or even human error. There are a variety of methods to retrieve data. But, the majority of companies are now investing in the most advanced and reliable cyber resilience software which provides rapid recovery solutions that help decrease downtime and reduce costs.

Advantages to Data Recovery

Data loss can affect any organization at any moment and due to a variety of reasons. There are many ways for businesses to minimize cyber risks, like training employees and raising awareness, implementing the guidelines and procedures for governance such as the cyber-insurance, risk management plans as well as other plans. But having an emergency plan for recovery is as, if not more essential. Prevention alone is not enough.

Every company, whether large or small, need an effective data recovery plan as well as procedures in place that safeguard all important data that is retrieved as well as assists in getting the system back in operation quickly.

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Here are the top five reasons your business should have a backup plan and solution for data recovery in place:

  1. Securing Brand Reputation and Keeping It

Over the last couple of years, the amount of theft and data breaches has increased as cybercriminal attacks continue to get more sophisticated. Today, businesses may lose crucial data which can lead to data leaks and identity thefts that can result in huge costs as well as harm to their brand’s image, and loss of customers.

A well-established recovery strategy and method helps to fully prepare organizations. A quick and secure recovery procedure will enable businesses to carry on with their daily activities without enduring interruptions.

  1. Reliable and uncorrupted data replication

Businesses should have a sound plan for data recovery and use an established solution for software that has a data replication function. This allows companies to access clear and unchangeable copies of data that is reliable which allows for quick recovery, without long-term downtimes and costs. It also saves resources.

  1. Competitive Advantage

A well-established solution for data recovery provides you with an advantage over your competition. Companies that are hit by cyber-attacks or data breaches are prone to the effects of downtime. Since their customers are seeking assistance from other organizations who are able to guarantee the security of their data they lose hundreds of thousands of clients.

The most recent instance is the time when The Works was forced to shut down their 526 locations after hackers gained an access point to the computer system that meant that the company suffered from the downtime, while their customers were purchasing from their competitors.

  1. Staying clear of Costly Fines

Cyber-attacks are reported to be happening every 11 seconds. in 2021, the median cost of cyber-attacks was $13 million which means that companies are no longer in a position to protect themselves from cyber-attacks. If they are not prepared and equipped cyber-attacks could become increasingly damaging for businesses.

Implementing an advanced data recovery system that can secure data and shield against cyber-attacks from malicious hackers will help companies avoid costly penalties and be prepared for the changing threat landscapes and constantly evolving sophisticated cybercriminals.

  1. Maintaining Compliance Standards

In the context of the regulation on data privacy organizations must secure all data that they gather from employees, customers or partners as well as other individuals. In the event of a breach, it could be a cause for a substantial penalty.

Every business must perform the essential steps to ensure cybersecurity, including reviewing backups and establishing a recovery strategy. A solid data recovery strategy and a reliable recovery tool will ensure that organizations adhere to the cyber security regulations and are in compliance.

Data Loss Solution

A sophisticated and effective tool for data backup and recovery will enable businesses to automate their process of recovering data with minimal effort. If you are looking to purchase the best software for data backup and recovery for your company take into consideration the following aspects:

  1. You have a Data Lifecycle Management (DLM) strategy
  2. Effectiveness and Control in the use of Data Recovery Tool’s efficiency and control
  3. Protection and corruption Detection
  4. The ability to encrypt data
  5. Advanced storage and recovery process
  6. Support from experts and speedy recovery